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University research institutes

Food Institute of Kaunas University of Technology

Institute of Agricultural Engineering of Lithuanian University of Agriculture

Institute of Animal Science of Lithuanian Veterinary Academy

Institute of Architecture and Construction of Kaunas University of Technology

Institute for Biomedical Research of Kaunas University of Medicine

Institute of Cardiology of Kaunas University of Medicine

Institute of Endocrinology of Kaunas University of Medicine

Institute of Forensic Medicine of Mykolas Riomeris University

Institute of Oncology of Vilnius University

Institute of Physical Electronic of Kaunas University of Technology

Institute of Psychophysiology and Rehabilitation of Kaunas University of Medicine

Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy of Vilnius University

Institute of Thermal Insulation of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University

Veterinary Institute of Lithuanian Veterinary Academy

Water Management Institute of Lithuanian University of Agriculture


Food Institute of Kaunas University of Technology

Taikos 92, LT-51180 Kaunas
Director: Dr. Daiva Leskauskaitė
Phone: +370 37 31 29 93
Fax: +370 37 31 29 93
Number of employees 68
Number of researchers 41, among them the holders of PhD or higher research degree 23

The main fields of R&D activities:
Food safety management and safety assurance systems, hazard analysis in food chain, establishment and improvement of food control methods
Development of scientific and practical principles of good quality and healthy food technologies
The most successful directions of R&D activities:
Functional foods
New methods and systems for the food safety assurance
Impact of chemical, physical and biological factors on the structure formation of food systems
The main R&D partners abroad:
The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University (Denmark); Biotechnological Insti­tute (Denmark); Technical University of Munich (Germany)
Other information:
The Accredited Test Laboratory meets the requirements of LST EN ISO/IEC 17025



Institute of Agricultural Engineering of Lithuanian University of Agriculture

Instituto 20, Raudondvaris, LT-54132 Kaunas distr.
Director: Dr. Gvidas Rutkauskas
Phone: +370 37 44 96 43
Fax: +370 37 54 93 66
Number of employees 87
Number of researchers 38, among them the holders of Ph.D. or higher research degree 28

The main fields of R&D activities:
Physical-mechanical and chemical influence of agricultural technologies upon environ­ment, development of production processes, engineering means and implements
The conversion of renewable energy resources, plant production and its waste into non-alimentary materials
The most successful directions of R&D activities:
The constructional and technological solutions for viable stockbreeding farms (optimal microclimate parameters, reducing of environmental pollution)
Conversion system of hybrid energy generated by the wind and the sun into heat; con­version of vegetative biomass into fuel and gas
Substantiation of sustainable technological implements applying non-arable agricul­tural system
The main R&D partners abroad:
Scientific Institute of Agricultural Technology (Czech Republic); Institute of Agricultural Construction, Mechanization and Electrification, Institute of Agricultural Machinery (Po­land); Biodiesel Institute (Austria); Institute of Agricultural Technology (Germany) et al.



Institute of Animal Science of Lithuanian Veterinary Academy

R. Žebenkos 12, Baisogala, Radviliškis distr.
Director: Dr. Violeta Juškienė
Phone: +370 422 65 385
Fax: +370 422 65 886
Number of employees 84
Number of researchers 37, among them the holders of PhD or higher research degree 27

The main fields of R&D activities:
Animal genetics, biology of reproduction and animal genetic resources
Animal nutrition and production quality
Animal welfare and effects of animal production on the environment
The most successful directions of R&D activities:
Investigation and conservation of genetic resources of indigenous farm animals
Effective use of feed resources for safe animal production
Influence of environmental factors on physiological state and productivity of cattle and pigs
The main R&D partners abroad:
Swedish University of Agriculture; Danish University of Agriculture; Estonian Univer­sity of Agriculture; Latvian University of Agriculture


Institute of Architecture and Construction of Kaunas University of Technology

Tunelio 60, LT-44405 Kaunas
Director: Dr. Egidijus Blaževičius
Phone: +370 37 45 13 51
Fax: +370 37 45 13 55
Number of employees 104
Number of researchers 63, among them the holders of PhD or higher research degree 34

The main fields of R&D activities:
History and heritage of Lithuanian architecture and urbanistics
Land management and territorial planning, and their substantiation
Methods of energy saving in buildings, the properties of building constructions and materi­als and the technology of the technogenic raw material processing into building materials
The most successful directions of R&D activities:
Heritage and values of Lithuanian architecture and urbanistics
Heat and mass transfer in building constructions
Peculiarities of the long - term safety and endurance of building constructions (applying the recommendations of the Eurocode)
The main R&D partners abroad:
Massachusetts University of Technology (USA); Building Research Institute (Poland) Riga Technical University (Latvia); Tallinn Technical University (Estonia) OY ”PAROC” (Finland)
Other information:
The Accredited Laboratory of Thermal Physics meets the requirements of LST EN, ISO, GOST, and the Accredited Laboratory of Compositional and Finishing Materials meets the requirements of LST EN, ISO/ IEC, GOST



Institute for Biomedical Research of Kaunas University of Medicine

Eivenių 4, LT-50009 Kaunas
Director: Prof. Habil. Dr. Irena Misevičienė
Phone: +370 37 30 29 51
Fax: +370 37 30 29 59
Number of employees 171
Number of researchers 115, among them the holders of PhD or higher research degree 87

The main fields of R&D activities:
Investigation of functional features of living tissues in order to reveal the role of autono­mous nerve system in functioning of living tissues, to study mechanisms of cell energy transformation and consumption, controlling functions and mechanisms of ferment sys­tems, to model the mechanisms of synaptic pulse transformations in brain
Investigation of the impact of lifestyle and environmental (physical, social and economical) factors on the health of children and adults aiming at the identification of health promotion priorities
The most successful directions of R&D activities:
Functional features of living tissues
Impact of lifestyle and environmental factors on public health
Information technologies for health
The main R&D partners abroad:
World Health Organization; Free University of Berlin (Germany); Lund University (Sweden); Cambridge University (United Kingdom); Oslo University (Norway) et al.



Institute of Cardiology of Kaunas University of Medicine

Sukilėlių 17, LT-50009 Kaunas
Director: Prof. Rimantas Benetis
Phone: +370 37 30 28 71
Fax: +370 37 30 28 72
Number of employees 189
Number of researchers 129, among them the holders of PhD or higher research degree 88

The main fields of R&D activities:
Physiological functioning of cardiovascular system and its regulation
Public health, prevalence of cardiovascular diseases and their risk factors, and related mortality in Lithuanian population
Development of the novel methods of prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation from cardiovascular diseases and estimation of the effectiveness of these procedures
The most successful directions of R&D activities:
Hormonal, metabolic, and cell volume-dependent regulation of ionic currents in the myocardium, programmed cellular death in morphogenesis of cardiovascular diseasesand remodelling of the ischaemic myocardium
Investigation of the prevalence of ischaemic heart disease (IHD), cerebral stroke and their risk factors, development of mathematical models to predict both IHD and cerebral stroke in the identified population
Development, and implementation of original algorythms for computer-assisted analy­sis of 12-, 100-lead ECG, impedance cardiograms and seismocardiograms; develop­ment and implementation of telemedicine in cardiology
The main R&D partners abroad:
University of Linkoeping (Sweden); University of Siena (Italy); University of Paris-Sud (France)



Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University

Akademijos 2, LT-08412 Vilnius
Director: Habil. Dr. Mečislovas Žalakevičius
Phone: +370 5 272 9257
Fax: +370 5 272 9257
Number of employees 138
Number of researchers 102, among them the holders of PhD or higher research degree 60

The main fields of R&D activities:
Regularities and mechanisms of susceptibility, vulnerability, adaptation and microevo­lution of ecosystems and their constituent parts under the conditions of global change and anthropogenic impact
Regularities and mechanisms of functioning, adaptation and evolution of aquatic eco­systems under the conditions of global change and anthropogenic impact
Physiological and ethological mechanisms of animal population management and func­tions of parasitic organisms in ecosystems
The most successful directions of R&D activities:
Functioning of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems under the conditions of global climate change and anthropogenic impact
Susceptibility, vulnerability, adaptation and microevolution of ecosystems and their constituent parts
Physiological and ethological mechanisms of animal population management and func­tions of parasitic organisms in ecosystems
The main R&D partners abroad:
The International Association ”Migratory Birds of the Western Palearctic”; The Global Environment Facility; The European Science Foundation (ESF); Lund University (Swe­den); University of Toronto (Canada) et al.



Institute of Endocrinology of Kaunas University of Medicine

Eivenių 2, LT-50009 Kaunas
Director: Prof. Habil. Dr. Antanas Norkus
Phone: +370 37 32 86 47; +370 37 79 86 07
Fax: +370 37 73 38 19
Number of employees 57
Number of researchers 40, among them the holders of PhD or higher research degree 25

The main fields of R&D activities:
Neuroendocrine and metabolic physiologic and pathologic functions and mechanisms of their regulation
Establishment and improvement of the epidemiological and mathematical models, treat­ment, and prevention of endocrine and metabolic disorders
The most successful directions of R&D activities:
Investigation of hormone mechanisms of regulation and regulation of their disorders in endocrine
Diabetes mellitus register and investigation of influence of immune, genetic and envi­ronmental factors on aetiology, prevention and treatment of the disease
Investigation of people infertility of the endocrine origin
The main R&D partners abroad:
University of Linchoping (Sweden); Brown’s University, University Of Chicago (USA); National Public Health Institute (Finland); Paediatric Clinic of (Germany) et al.



Institute of Experimental and Clinical Medicine of Vilnius University

Žygimantų 9, LT-01102 Vilnius
Director: Prof. Habil. Dr. Algirdas Venalis
Phone: +370 5 262 8636
Fax: +370 5 212 3073
Number of employees 174
Number of researchers 41, among them the holders of PhD or higher research degree 27

The main fields of R&D activities:
Epidemiology and pathogenesis mechanisms of rheumatic diseases, elaboration of their diagnostics and treatment methods
The studies of ageing and problems of diseases and some pathological conditions in the elderly
The medical studies of socially conditioned health problems
The most successful directions of R&D activities:
Peculiarities of autoimmune injury in rheumatic diseases
Therapy and causality of reactive arthritis
Peculiarities of application of pathogenetic therapy in rheumatic diseases
The main R&D partners abroad:
University of Bergen, University of Oslo (Norway); University of Edinburgh (United Kingdom); University of Helsinki (Finland); University of Geneva (Switzerland) et al.



Institute of Forensic Medicine of Mykolas Riomeris University

S. Žukausko 12, LT-08234 Vilnius
Director: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alvydas Rimantas Pauliukevičius
Phone: +370 5 278 9048
Fax: +370 5 278 9047
Number of employees 305
Number of researchers 34, among them the holders of PhD or higher research degree 8

The main fields of R&D activities:
Application of the modern biotechnologies in development of modern methods of medi­cal-biological expertise
Estimation of cause and time of death by applying specific-complex investigations; search for new methods and modelling
The most successful directions of R&D activities:
Detection of narcotic and psychotropic drugs in biological samples and estimation of time of death after the use of psychoactive drugs
Medico-legal evaluation of violence against child and women
Suicide prevention
The main R&D partners abroad:
Institute of Forensic Medicine of University of Munster (Germany); University of Hel­sinki (Finland); Institute of Forensic Medicine of University of Wroclaw (Poland)


Institute of Immunology of Vilnius University

Molėtų 29, LT-08412 Vilnius
Director: Prof. Habil. Dr. Vytas Tamošiūnas
Phone: +370 5 246 9231
Fax: +370 5 246 9210
Number of employees 81
Number of researchers 43, among them the holders of PhD or higher research degree 30

The main fields of R&D activities:
Molecular and cellular regularities of the behaviour of the immune system
Functional activity of the immune state and the factors influencing it
The most successful directions of R&D activities:
Cell and molecule interaction of the immune system: activation, signal transmission and regulation
Modelling of molecular processes of the inflammation: induction, mechanisms, studies on anti-inflammatory compounds (synthetic ligands)
Biomodels and their application in immunomodulator studies
The main R&D partners abroad:
Institute of Organic Synthesis (Latvia); Karolinska Institute (Sweden); Freiburg Univer­sity (Germany); European Federation of Immunological Societies; International Union of Immunological Societies et al.



Institute of Oncology of Vilnius University

Santariškių 1, LT-08660 Vilnius
Director: Prof. Habil. Dr. Konstantinas Povilas Valuckas
Phone: +370 5 278 6700
Fax: +370 5 272 0164
Number of employees 895
Number of researchers 58, among them the holders of PhD or higher research degree 30

The main fields of R&D activities:
Development of new measures for cancer prevention based on epidemiological, molecu­lar, genetic and clinical investigation
Development of the new technologies, methods of early cancer detection, and interven­tional treatment
Improvement of the quality of life of cancer patients
The most successful directions of R&D activities:
Epidemiological studies and evolution of cancer risk factors
Correlation studies of infection by human papilloma virus and malignant cell biomark­ers
Photosensitised tumor therapy
Cf252 brachitherapy in the treatment of different types of tumors
The main R&D partners abroad:
International Agency Research on Cancer; International Atomic Energy Agency; Euro­pean Society for Medical Oncology



Institute of Physical Electronic of Kaunas University of Technology

Savanorių 271, LT-50131 Kaunas
Director: Prof. Habil. Dr. Sigitas Tamulevičius
Phone: +370 37 31 34 32
Phone/Fax: +370 37 31 44 23
Number of employees 29
Number of researchers 22, among them the holders of PhD or higher research degree 9

The main fields of R&D activities:
Surface nanometric structures: thin films and surface engineering (physics and ap­plication), application of ion and plasma methods in formation of nanostructures and nanomaterials
Optical document security: microoptical elements, interference filters, development of new materials and structures
The most successful directions of R&D activities:
GaAs surface and Schottky contact treatment and passivation
Optical analysis of strains and displacements
Photonic band gap structures
The main R&D partners abroad:
Helsinki University (Finland); Poitiers University (France)


Institute of Psychophysiology and Rehabilitation of Kaunas University of Medicine

Vydūno 4, LT-00135 Palanga
Acting Director: Habil. Dr. Daiva Rastenytė
Phone: +370 460 30 012
Fax: +370 460 30 014
Number of employees 136
Number of researchers 75, among them the holders of PhD or higher research degree 22

The main fields of R&D activities:
Cardiovascular psychophysiology
Sleep, sleep disorders and psychosomatic disturbances
Medical and social rehabilitation and prevention
Advanced information technologies in medicine
The most successful directions of R&D activities:
Heart rate control and hemodynamics in normal condition and in coronary heart disease
Mechanisms of heart rhythm regulation during sleep, abnormalities of heart and pulmo­nary function and their impact on restoration of cardiovascular function during sleep
Peculiarities of secondary prevention and rehabilitation programmes for patients after acute myocardial infarction or heart surgery
The main R&D partners abroad:
Technical University (Austria); Cardif University (United Kingdom); ELCAT Medical Systems (Germany)



Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy of Vilnius University

A. Goštauto 12, LT-01108 Vilnius
Director: Habil. Dr. Gražina Tautvaišienė
Phone: +370 5 262 0947
Fax: +370 5 212 5361
Number of employees 100
Number of researchers 59, among them the holders of PhD or higher research degree 44

The main fields of R&D activities:
Development of the effective methods of mathematical physics and their application in the theoretical investigation of many-particle systems, their nonlinear dynamics and quantum fields
Investigation of atoms, subatomic particles, molecules, their structures and spectra; their application in nanophysics and astrophysics
Investigation of the structure and evolution of the Galaxy, the stars and the interstellar matter
The most successful directions of R&D activities:
Theoretical description of atoms, nuclei and processes inside them
Populations of stars and their chemical evolution
Theory of processes and structures
The main R&D partners abroad:
Nordic Academy of Advanced Studies (NorFA); Lund University (Sweden); Kassel Uni­versity (Germany)
Other information:
International journal ”Baltic Astronomy” (included into the database of Institute of Sci­entific Information) is published by the Institute. Various informational sessions are tak­ing place at the Planetarium of the Institute. The lectures and excursions for schoolchil­dren and the general public are organized at the Molėtai Astronomical Observatory



Institute of Thermal Insulation of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University

Linkmenų 28, LT-08217 Vilnius
Director: Prof. Habil. Dr. Antanas Laukaitis
Phone: +370 5 275 0001
Fax: +370 5 275 2629
Number of employees 88
Number of researches 26, among them the holders of PhD or higher research degree 22

The main fields of R&D activities:
Physical characteristics of building materials, technologies and application, optimisa­tion of structure and properties of materials
The most successful directions of R&D activities:
Micro- and macrostructure, physical and mechanical characteristics, and technological peculiarities of refractory materials containing ultra dispersed and plastifying additives and meeting the requirements of thermal equipment exploitation
Macro- and microstructure of porous concrete with additives and composites, develop­ment of its technologies
Thermal and technical characteristics of effective thermo-insulating products
The main R&D partners abroad:
Institute of Refractory Materials (Poland); Nederlands Meetinstuut (NMI); Laboratory Committee of European Cooperation for Accreditation



Veterinary Institute of Lithuanian Veterinary Academy

Instituto 2, Gudienos vil., LT-56115 Kaišiadoriai distr.
Director: Dr. Dainius Zienius
Phone: +370 346 60 689
Fax: +370 346 60 697
Number of employees 53
Number of researchers 26, among them the holders of Ph.D. or higher research degree 19

The main fields of R&D activities:
Epidemiology, etiology and pathogenesis of animal diseases; research on animal spe­cific and nonspecific immunological response
Research and development of new diagnostic, preventive and treatment measures of animal infectious diseases
The most successful directions of R&D activities:
Impact of different diets on parasites of animal gastrointestinal tract
Study of etiological factors of swine viral diseases
Pestivirus infection and features of concurrent diseases in cattle
The main R&D partners abroad:
The Royal Veterinary and Agriculture University, Danish Centre for Experimental Para­sitology (Denmark); National Veterinary Institute (Poland)



Water Management Institute of Lithuanian University of Agriculture

Parko 6, Vilainiai, LT-58102 Kėdainiai
Director: Dr. Antanas Sigitas Šileika
Phone: +370 347 68 100
Fax: +370 347 68 105
Number of employees 83
Number of researchers 34, among them the holders of Ph.D. or higher research degree 24

The main fields of R&D activities:
Impact of the activity of agricultural sector on the environment and development of means for water protection
Functionalism of land drainage and development of scientific base for their moderniza­tion and management
The most successful directions of R&D activities:
Non-point agricultural pollution and its influence on surface water quality
Means for neutralization of concentrated pollution
Functionality of drainage and their management
The main R&D partners abroad:
Swedish Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
