Centre of Marine Research
Environmental Protection Agency
Geological Survey of Lithuania under the Ministry of Environment
Institute of Lithuanian Scientific Society
Lithuanian Hydrometeorological Service
Public institution ”Statistical Surveys”
State enterprise ”Transport and Road Research Institute”
Centre of Marine Research
Taikos 26, LT-91149 Klaipėda
Director: Dr. Algirdas Stankevičius
Phone: +370 46 41 04 50
Fax: +370 46 41 04 60
Email: CMR@klaipeda.omnitel.net
The Centre performs and coordinates the monitoring of the Baltic Sea, the Kuršių Marios Lagoon and the Nemunas Delta. It investigates extreme situations (fish decay, oil spills and water ”blooming”), carries out hydro - meteorological observations of littoral as well as coastal dynamics of the Baltic Sea and the Kuršių Marios Lagoon, performs special research of an impact of harbour dredging, hydro technical construction, soil dumping in the sea. The Centre participates in the international programme on the monitoring of the Baltic Sea (HELCOM) and in other international projects. The Centre is responsible for implementation of Water Framework Directive requirements in the marine waters of Lithuania. The data obtained by the Centre within the long - term monitoring had been stored in the Marine Environmental Data Fund. The Centre analyses the information on natural processes taking place in the Baltic Sea and the Kuršių Marios Lagoon as well as on the impact of an anthropogenic activity of the state of water and living organisms. The Centre prepares reports, submits information on the overall state of marine environment to the governmental institutions, to the general public.
Environmental Protection Agency
A. Juozapavičiaus 9, LT-09311 Vilnius
Director: Liutauras Stoškus
Phone: +370 5 266 2808
Fax: +370 5 266 2800
Email: aaa@gamta.lt
The Agency organizes, coordinates and together with the institutions of research and higher education carries out the evaluation of nature recourses, emission impact on environment, the overall state of the environment. The Agency also examines the effectiveness of newly introduced technologies, measures and methods of environmental protection.
The Agency accumulates and provides an integrated analysis on the quality of environment components, prepares reports, statistical information, submits information on the overall state of environment to the general public, expedient ecological information to the governmental institutions and organizations as well as to other legal and private persons. The Agency caries out the coordination of governmental research projects and programmes in the fields of environment quality, biodiversity, environmental protection and management.
Geological Survey of Lithuania under the Ministry of Environment
S. Konarskio 35, LT-03123 Vilnius
Director: Juozas Mockevičius
Phone: +370 5 233 2889
Fax: +370 5 233 6156
Email: lgt@lgt.lt
The Survey, according to the programmes approved by the Government, organizes and carries out geological investigation of the subsurface of Lithuania (onshore and offshore) providing the necessary information on structure, geological processes and resources of the subsurface as well as on hazardous natural phenomena. The Survey carries out geological investigation on the basis of international agreements and projects, requests of municipalities and other institutions as well. The Survey maintains National geological information system and regulates its usage.
Institute of Lithuanian Scientific Society
A. Goštauto 11, LT-01108 Vilnius
Director: Prof. Dr. Habil. Stepas Janušonis
Phone: +370 5 212 1334; +370 5 231 3762
Fax: +370 5 231 3762
Email: msi@self-formation.lt
The main fields of R&D activities:
Research of self-formation of artificial systems, application to photovoltaic and fuel cells technologies
Social and economical aspects of renewable energy
Development of information and Internet technologies based on collective knowledge management methods (semantic web, ontology)
Digitalisation of Lithuanian cultural heritage
The most successful directions of R&D activities:
Self-formation of artificial systems
Application of information systems
The main R&D partners abroad:
The Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (European Commission, Joint Research Centre); CRES–Centre for Renewable Energy Sources (Greece); Millennium Electric T.O.U. Ltd. (Israel); CIRCA Group Europe (Ireland); ProSupport (The Netherlands)
Other information:
Institute is an associate member of European Science and Technology Observatory (ESTO)
Lithuanian Hydrometeorological Service
Rudnios 6, LT-09300 Vilnius
Director: Vytautas Bernadišius
Phone: +370 5 275 1194
Fax: +370 5 272 8874
Email: vytautasb@meteo.lt
Climatology and Methodology Division
Head: Dr. Audronė Galvonaitė
Phone: +370 5 271 5071
Fax: +370 5 272 8874
Email: audrone@meteo.lt, mokslas@meteo.lt, clicom@meteo.lt
The mission of Lithuanian Hydrometeorological Service is to provide the Lithuanian society and state institutions as well as meteorological and aeronautical centres worldwide with reliable hydrometeorological information and forecasts.
The Service explores the Lithuanian climate and weather conditions, maintains the climatologic database, investigates the origination of hydrometeorological phenomena, carries out research, participates in programmes of the World Metrological Organization (CLIPS, CLIVAR), participates in the development and implementation of HIRLAM numerical weather prediction model, compiles climatologic reference books, disseminates climatologic and meteorological information to the general public, participates in scientific conferences and workshops.
The Service participates in the following international projects: EWAII (Europe Wind Atlas II, 2003–2005), ECSN (Europe Climate Atlas), and HIRLAM-Baltic
Public institution ”Statistical Surveys”
Gedimino 29, LT-01104 Vilnius
Director: Benonas Mikšas
Phone: +370 5 236 4717
Fax: +370 5 236 4755
Email: stat.tyrimai@std.lt
The institution:
Organizes and conducts continuous surveys (also in cooperation with foreign institutions) and on their basis prepares and produces publications
Presents conclusions and recommendations for the usage of the aggregated results obtained by the institution in practical and research activities
According to the list provided by Statistics Lithuania disseminates the documentation and publications to the public and research institutions and other users
State enterprise ”Transport and Road Research Institute”
I. Kanto 25, P.O. Box 2082, LT-44296 Kaunas
Director: Giedrius Šiaudinis
Phone: +370 37 22 66 38
Fax: +370 37 20 56 19
Email: tkti@tkti.lt
Number of employees 90
Number of researches 32, among them the holders of PhD or higher research degree 7
The main fields of R&D activities:
Investigation of road asphalt pavement degradation, determination of reasons of degradation and development of methods of pavement strengthening
Air quality monitoring within the impact zone of roads under construction and after their opening to traffic
Environmental impact assessment of the planned transport infrastructure activities
Determination of the actual load-carrying capacity of transport structures (bridges, viaducts and scaffold bridges on roads, streets and railways), included into the systematic samples, monitoring, static and dynamic testing of the structures
Investigation of structural pavement parameters, traffic safety and transport flows
New products and/or new technologies developed/introduced during the last five years:
Vehicle-generated emissions and noise estimation software
Vehicle-generated pollution dispersion estimation software
Seasonal coefficients were established, allowing forecast structural pavement strength in a critical period of the year
Methods for determination of the average annual daily traffic